Homemade wine and fermented malt beverages: standards for which a license or permit is not required and occupational taxes not owed revised; no fees may be charged at a competition, exhibition, or tasting and municipalities may regulate by ordinance; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 200
Wine or fermented malt beverages made at supply stores and not sold or offered for sale: exceptions to manufacturing license or permit and occupational tax requirements; operator's license provision; JSCTE appendix report -
Act 179
FoodShare benefits to qualified aliens eliminated [Sec. 1534] -
Act 32
Nonresident tuition exemption for aliens under set conditions eliminated [Sec. 995, 1096, 9346 (2), 9352 (2)]
Act 32
Film production services tax credit application fee revised -
Act 67
Film production tax credit administration transferred from Comm.Dept to Tour.Dept [Sec. 1874-1877, 2004-2007, 2115-2118, 3368] -
Act 32
Animals killed by vehicles: bear, wild turkey, and certain small game provisions created; law enforcement officer and hunting or trapping approval conditions -
Act 251
Brucellosis: testing requirements repealed for milk, cream, cattle, and American bison; prohibition on moving or selling American bison and certain animals without a negative test report eliminated -
Act 281
Wolf harvesting licenses: DNR authorized to issue if the wolf is removed from endangered and threatened species lists; wolf depredation program created re damage to livestock, hunting dogs, and pets -
Act 169
Brucellosis: testing requirements repealed for milk, cream, cattle, and American bison; prohibition on moving or selling American bison and certain animals without a negative test report eliminated -
Act 281
Mistreating animals statutes do not apply to animals used for research or experimentation in certain situations [Sec. 3539g-s] -
Act 32
appealsAppeals, see
specific subject
Appropriation schedule repealed and recreated; general effective dates [Sec. 370m-373, 9400] -
Act 32
DOA Secretary required lapse to the general fund for the 2009-11 fiscal biennium: 2011 WisAct 13 amount further reduced -
Act 27
DOA Secretary required to lapse to the general fund from unencumbered balances of executive branch agencies, other than sum sufficient and federal revenue appropriations, for fiscal biennia 2011-13 and 2013-15, U.W. System exception; JCLO lapse for 2011-13 and 2013-15 biennia required [Sec. 9230 (1), 9255 (1)] -
Act 32
DOA Secretary required transfers or lapses to the general fund for the 2009-11 fiscal biennium revised
Act 13
GPR: limitation on state appropriations from eliminated [Sec. 33] -
Act 32
Income augmentation revenue: lapse to general fund -
Act 10
Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund: certain amount transferred from general fund
Act 27
Lapses to general fund re employer savings in fringe benefit costs -
Act 10
Lapses to general fund re employer savings in fringe benefit costs: 2011 WisAct 10 provisions repealed
Act 27
MA program unencumbered balance reverts to the general fund at the end of the 2009-11 fiscal biennium
Act 10
OCI general program operations appropriation lapse to general fund [Sec. 493] -
Act 32
Statutorily required general fund balance modified [Sec. 368-370] -
Act 32
Temporary reallocations to general fund modified [Sec. 367m] -
Act 32
Transportation fund: DOA Secretary to transfer certain amount from general fund [Sec. 221s, 9201 (1q)]
Act 32
WHEDA surplus: transfer to general fund [Sec. 9224 (1f)] -
Act 32
Arts Board placed in Tour.Dept rather than attached to Tour.Dept; Percent for Art Program eliminated [Sec. 47, 168, 502-517, 739, 1177-1196, 1198-1236, 1742-1745, 2867, 2868, 9104 (1), (2)] -
Act 32
RTAs eliminated; dissolution and winding down of existing RTAs [Sec. 751g, h, 772g, r, 922e-v, 1139m, 1679d-t, 1720b, 1727m, 1729g, r, 1745m, 1747r, 1754r, 1894r, 1895r, 2014r, 2177m, 2180m, 2183d-r, 2187d-n, 2237e-o, 3182g, r, 3471m, 3567m, 9148 (3u), 9448 (6u)] -
Act 32
Concussion and head injury guidelines for youth athletic activities: DPI and WIAA directed to develop; civil liability immunity and health care provider provisions
Act 172
Cates, Richard Lyman: life, public service, and contributions to the legal profession commended upon his death [AJR-57]
- JR-20
Division administrator: additional position for DWD and WERC, attorney provision; salary group for positions with information technology management responsibility changed; Division of Enterprise Technology created in DOA [Sec. 91m, 805, 809, 2754, 2755a, 2763, 2763m]
Act 32
Electronic juvenile court records re Children's Code or Juvenile Justice Code proceedings made available to law enforcement, juvenile court, municipal court, court of criminal jurisdiction, and certain prosecutors, attorneys, and guardians ad litem; restrictions on information re physical and mental health and sensitive personal matters; Director of State Courts, CCAP, confidentiality, and forfeiture provisions
Act 270
Inadvertent disclosure of protected or privileged information (Wis.Stats, s.804.01, 805.07, 905.03) 11/1/12 [SCO no.12-03] - SCO
State agency attorney pay progression plan, JCF approval [Sec. 9155 (3c)] [vetoed] -
UI law changes including concealment of benefit claim information, availability for work, interest on delinquent payments, and composition and authority of appeal tribunals
Act 236
Attorney fees: factors a court must consider in determining reasonableness -
Act 92
Chiropractic service fees paid from attorney contingency fees re motor vehicle accident [Sec. 3503g, 9309 (1f)]
Act 32
Appropriation transfer from certain DOJ fund re federal resource acquisition activities, AG duty [Sec. 336, 694, 721] -
Act 32
Gaming law enforcement bureau established in DOJ by the AG: requirement eliminated [Sec. 685, 693, 2682]
Act 32
Minnesota and Wisconsin interchange of employees and services: liability and legal representation provisions re a civil lawsuit [Sec. 2681, 3500, 3504] -
Act 32
Conversion of credit union to savings bank or state bank provisions created; method of calculating interest; notice and protections for tenants in foreclosure of rental residential property provisions repealed [Sec. 2637b, 2707d-g, 2718m, 2719d-g, 2724m, 3194m, 3474m, 3492m, 9317 (1f), 9355 (1f), (2f)]
Act 32
Savings banks and savings and loan associations: audit and report requirements changed -
Act 182
Notaries public appointment, collection agency regulation, and community currency exchange insurance policy revisions; Mortgage Loan Originator Council eliminated
Act 233
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